Fast-Air Internet

Changing Your Email Password

These instructions are for email addresses ending in "" only.
If you have an email address with a different suffix, contact your email service provider.

  1. Launch a web browser or open a new tab.

  2. Connect to the Fast-Air Internet website home page.

  3. Click Webmail Login in the side panel menu.

  4. Select Change Your E-mail password.

  5. Type the full email address, including “,” in the Login (email) field.

  6. Enter the current password in the Password field.

  7. Click the Login button.

  8. In the menu bar, select Change password.

  9. Click in the Current Password field and enter the password.

  10. Tab to the New Password field and enter the new password.

  11. Tab to the "New Password (again)" field and enter the new password.

  12. Click the Change Password button.

  13. The webpage will return to the Fast-Air Internet Email Admin page with the message:
    The password for [*****] has been changed.

  14. In the menu bar, select Logout.

  15. Close the browser tab.

  16. Reminders:

    • Confirm that the new password works by clicking this link: Webmail Login.
      (Type in your full email address in the Name box and your new password in the Password box before clicking the Login button.)

    • If using an email app such as Mail, Outlook, or Thunderbird, change the password in the mail account settings.

    • If you have the same email account on your smartphone or tablet, change the password in the account settings.