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Subscriber Units

Clear Line-of-Site(LOS) Subscriber Unit

The unit to the left is used if subscriber has clear line of site with no trees or hills between them and the Access Point. The Subscriber must also be within 2 miles of the Access Point. (Dimensions 9.2" x 4.25" x 1.5") Weight < 1 lb.

Non Line-of-Site (NLOS) Subscriber Unit
If the subscriber is more than two miles from the Access Point or has trees in the way of the line of site, then the unit below must be used. This unit is intended to transmit thru some branches, but NOT directly through trees. An additional external antenna can provide extra coverage in heavy foliage areas. (Dimensions 12.5" x 8" x 2.5") Weight - 4 lbs. (see picture below).