Tech Support Phone Scam (Notice 2019-001)

This is a Fast-Air Tech Talk security notice. The Tech Talk security notice is a free service for all Fast-Air customers. Please suggest security notice topics.

Tech support phone scams are common the past few years. The western U.P and northern Wisconsin areas are not immune to these scams.

Generally these scams include urgent warnings that a computer problem was discovered. The first contact might be live or might be a recording.

One current scam is reporting a so-called problem with the computer’s registration or activation key. The user is urged to call “tech support” to resolve the issue. The caller will claim to be from Microsoft or from “Windows.”

The scam depends upon the contacted person granting remote access to the computer. Once this remote access is granted the so-called tech support person will pretend to show the user various malware or other issues when in fact nothing is actually wrong.

One goal of the scam is to get people to use their credit cards to pay for non-existent tech support services. Other goals might be to install hidden malware or to extract sensitive information such as bank account numbers and passwords.

There are no legitimate business offering such tech support services.

There is no way such people can detect such issues.

Please do not respond to such recordings or phone calls. If the call is live then do not be intimated by hard sales tactics. Just hang up.

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